Commitment to the Environment

Leaving our future generations with something they can enjoy and be proud of.

Being a family owned and operated local business, we understand the importance of leaving our future generations with something they can enjoy and be proud of. Which is why we are committed to doing our part in taking care of the environment that we will one day leave for our children.

Affordable Kitchen Designers is committed to implementing and continually researching new technologies and procedures that further enhanced our commitment to the environment.

Here are just a few highlights of some of the current practices and processes we follow:

Constant Improvement

Every piece of material is thoughtfully laid out to maximize usage and minimize usage. The process of selecting the best design is done by specialized software that is able to work through countless design options in order to determine the best possible plan. This allows us to get the maximum yield from the material being used for your project.

Chemicals Used for Finishing

The catalyzed conversion we use was explicitly chosen to lower the emissions released during the finishing process. Furthermore, all finishing is done offsite in a completely enclosed space to reduce further what is released into the air.

Material Recycling

Any waste material that is generated during the finishing process is distilled into our recycling unit to be reused as cleaning thinner. This will reduce the amount of hazardous material that needs to be disposed of.

Any disposed of products taken from your kitchen project is delivered to a facility capable of sorting and recycling all the reusable materials from your project.

  • Aluminum
  • Paper
  • Printer Cartridges
  • Cardboard
  • And more.

These materials are all sorted and disposed of to a proper recycling facility.

Paperless Office Environment

When requested, have equipment that allows us to scan all documentation for your project into our system. Therefore, instead of continuously printing and distributing hard copies, we can create electronic documents for distribution.




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